How I Redesigned the UMass Dining App
Project Introduction
UMass Amherst has held the title for Best College Food for several years with its four incredible dining halls, numerous cafe locations, and Grab N Go program for when students have to get a quick bite between classes. To help students find dining hall information, UMass Dining has an app to show students menus, opening hours, busyness, etc. However, while UMass Dining may be number one, this app is not.
Due to my own frustrations, I decided to redesign this app for an independent project for my CS-325: Human Computer Interaction class. For this redesign, I first designed a user persona for this app. Then, I built and analyzed wireframes of the current app (to understand pain points), and built a final prototype using Balsamiq.
User Persona
To begin this redesign, we have to first understand the status quo. I started by designing a persona based on some interviews with my friends. One persona is all that is needed for this design because the vast majority of UMass Dining App users is undergraduate students on UMass Dining meal plans.
Image by diana.grytsku on Freepik
Name: Bella
Occupation: Full-Time Student at UMass
Major: Business
Age: 20
Year: Sophomore
Location: On-Campus Housing
Motivations: Convenient, informed, and health-conscious dining choices
Bella is a busy sophomore with a packed schedule of classes, an on-campus job, and multiple extracurricular activities. Living on campus, Bella relies on UMass Dining for almost all of her meals but sometimes faces struggles managing her time between her classes, her job, and her intramural sports. On the weekends and in the evenings, Bella enjoys grabbing meals with her friends and prioritizes her favorite foods and locations.
Wireframes of Current App using Balsamiq
Step 1 - Launching App
Notification Alert
Refusing notifications for the app results in this notification pop-up when the app launches.
To use the app's main functionality and keep notifications off, Bella has to click Cancel on this pop-up.
Step 2 - Open Tab
Notifications (Top-Left)
News/events and special dishes notifications.
Special Events (Carousel)
Bella can explore a carousel of upcoming special events.
Dining Hall Tabs
Bella can filter dining halls by Open, Closed, or Favorites
Dining Halls
Bella can explore different dining halls ordered by “Busyness” - Not Busy, Moderate, and Busy. This tab shows all the dining halls that are currently open.
Step 3 - Closed Tab
Dining Halls
This tab shows all the dining halls that are currently closed.
Step 4 - Favorites Tab
Dining Halls
This tab shows all the dining halls that are currently favorites.
Step 5 - Dining Hall > Info Tab
Favorite Star (Top-Right)
Bella can favorite this dining hall for it to appear in the favorites tab on the home page.
Menu/Info Tabs
Bella can view Dining Hall Info (such as locations, opening hours, etc.), the Full Menu, or Menu with her Dietary Preferences.
Dining Hall Information
This is the default tab when clicking on a dining hall on the Home Page. Bella can find information about Operating Hours, Description, Payments/Cash, Address, etc.
Step 6 - Dining Hall > Full Menu Tab
Bella can choose a date to view the menu for that date.
Meal Choice
Bella can click on a meal to view the menu for what the dining hall will serve during those hours.
Bella can click on a dish to view ingredients and nutritional information.
Step 7 - Dining Hall > Your Menu Tab
Manage Menu Preferences
Bella can click on the Manage Menu Preferences button to adjust her dietary preferences.
The dishes she will see on this page will then be filtered by her dietary preferences.
Nutrition Facts
Analysis of Current App Design
Pain Point 1 - Notification Settings Alert
If Bella refuses notifications, the app should not prompt her every time she opens it because it makes using the app inconvenient by adding an extra action to her user flow.
Furthermore, Bella doesn't have a lot of time, so slowing down her journey to access menu information is harmful to her experience and very frustrating.
Pain Point 2 - Poor Dining Hall Organization
Dining Halls in the app are ordered by busyness from Not Busy to Moderate to Busy by default. Favorites exist in a different tab. Ideally, Bella would want her favorite dining halls to be the most visible, even before even the "Not Busy" dining halls on the Open tab. This would reduce the the amount of effort she has to take to get her information.
Taking this idea further, Bella may want to customize how the dining halls are sorted. For example, she may benefit from seeing which dining halls would be open at some time in the future like a gap she has between classes. Additionally, she may benefit from sorting dining halls by how close she is to them, to make a better choice about where to grab a quick meal.
Pain Point 3 - Poor Menu/Info Organization
Dining Halls open to the Info tab by default. Bella usually uses this app to check menu information more than any other information about a dining hall. This adds an extra unnecessary step in her user flow, which is especially important due to Bella's limitations on time.
The Your Menu and Full Menu pages are more complicated than they need to be. Bella has some dietary preferences, but to see which dishes match them, she has to view a different page than the Full Menu page that she's likely already on.
The Your Menu page would also exclude shellfish and non-vegan options, even though Bella is allergic to shellfish and only has a preference for vegan meals. Bella may want to know which dishes that have been excluded are non-vegan and which have shellfish to make better choices about what dishes she would enjoy. For example, she may want a chicken dish on one day when she's feeling like having something non-vegan, but to see these dishes in her Your Menu page, she would have to change her preferences.
Redesign of App using Balsamiq
1/8 - Home
Notification Alert
I removed the notifications alert on launching the app to address Pain Point 1.
I added stars to identify dining hall favorites on the Home Page. This should help visibility of the favorites for Bella and internal consistency (using stars to identify favorites). This should also help address Pain Point 2.
Filter Bar
I consolidated the Open/Closed/Favorites tab into one home page by replacing the tabs with filters Open Now, Open At, Ignore Favorites, and Sort By.
This adds more customizability to Bella's view of her dining halls and should reduce the complexity of finding a dining hall for Bella, enabling her to better find the information she needs. This addresses Pain Point 2.
Dining Hall Organization
I reorganized the dining halls from sorting by busyness to: Favorites by Busyness > Non-Favorites by Busyness > Closed Favorites > Non-Closed Favorites.
This is a more intuitive ordering of the dining halls, and Bella should be able to easier find her top dining halls, addressing Pain Point 2.
2/8 - Home > Open Now
Open Now
Bella can filter for only dining halls open now like the old “Open” tab. This preserves the functionality of the tabs, and continuing to allow Bella to search for dining halls that are open in the moment.
3/8 - Home > Open At
Open At
Bella can filter for only dining halls open at specific times. This allows her to plan ahead rather than just see what's open/closed now. Planning ahead could save her precious time in between events.
4/8 - Home > Ignore Favorites
Ignore Favorites
Bella can click on this button to ignore starred/favorite dining halls when sorting the dining halls. This option is valuable because it mirrors the old interface's Open and Closed tabs, allowing old users to keep using the flows that they had for the old version of the app.
5/8 - Home > Sort By
Sort By
Bella can sort dining halls by Busyness (default), Alphabetical, or Distance from her. This adds more customizability but still leaves the default option of sorting by busyness like in the old interface. Sorting Alphabetically could help Bella find a specific hall/cafe and sorting by Distance could help Bella make a choice about where she can get a meal the fastest.
6/8 - Home > Menu
Dietary Preferences
As can be seen below, the Your Menu and Full Menu pages were consolidated. Now, Bella can update dietary preferences in this menu on the home page and they will be reflected in all the menus across all the dining halls. This should make it more convenient for Bella to change her preferences.
7/8 - Dining Hall > Menu
Single Menu Tab
I fixed the unnecessary segregation of the Full Menu and Your Menu tabs to simplify it into one tab.
This tab is also now the default tab (instead of the Info tab) because Bella would usually use this app only to get menu information. This makes getting that information as easy as clicking on a dining hall - just one click, addressing Pain Point 3.
To make clear which dishes do not match Bella's dietary preferences, I grayed them out and highlighted the allergen/ingredient(s) that do not match with the preferences in red. This should make it clear which allergens/ingredients are responsible for being incompatible with Bella's dietary preferences, addressing Pain Point 3.
8/8 - Dining Hall > Info
Info Tab
While Info is no longer the default tab, users can still access the same information as earlier.